Attendance Policy

Students are expected to be in school every period, every day. North Fort Myers High School will follow the district’s attendance policies. ABSENTEE PROCEDURES

1) All absences are considered unexcused until a parent or guardian uploads an excused note on FOCUS or emails the excused note to [email protected], citing illness, family loss, a doctor or dentist appointment, or a court appearance. Documentation must include:

a) student’s name (First and Last name)

b) student ID number

c) date of absence(s)

d) reason for absence

e) telephone number where a parent/guardian may be reached to verify,

f) if a written note, a signature of parent/guardian.

2) Documentation MUST be uploaded to FOCUS upon the first day back to school.

3) NFMHS will accept parent or guardian notes to excuse a maximum of nine (9) days per Semester; excused absences will be in accordance with School Board Policy 5200:

a) Personal illness of the student (medical evidence may be required by the principal or designee for absences exceeding five (5) consecutive days).

b) Court appearance of the student.

c) Medical appointment of the student.

d) Pregnancy-related issues (see Policy 5751).

e) Approved school activity.

f) Insurmountable conditions. Insurmountable conditions are extreme weather conditions, communicable disease outbreaks, and local conditions determined by the School District, which, after taking into account the material circumstances, would render impracticable a student's attendance at school. (F.A.C. 6A-1.09513)

g) Other absences with prior approval of the principal or designee.

h) Attendance at a center under Children and Families Services supervision.

i) Significant community events with the prior permission of the Principal.

j) Religious instruction or religious holiday.

k) Death in the immediate family

l) Appointments for a therapy service provided by a licensed health care practitioner or behavior analyst certified pursuant to Florida law for the treatment of autism spectrum disorder including, but not limited to, applied behavioral analysis, speech therapy, and occupational therapy.

4) For excused absences, it is the student’s responsibility to check Google Classroom while out and ask teachers for makeup work immediately upon returning to school. In the event of an extended absence (3 or more days), a parent or guardian may contact the Student Services Secretary to request assignments.

i) In order to be considered for full credit, all make-up work assigned during the absence is due in accordance with district policy (number of excused days plus one).

ii) Assignments issued prior to a student’s absence that have a due date while the student is absent are due on the first day of return to class. If a student returns to school on the due date, assignment(s) are due that day. Electronic submissions are due on the actual due date unless prior arrangements have been made with the teacher.

5) Tardy excuses will only be accepted via email at the time of arrival. If a student arrives within the last 15 minutes of a period, they will be marked absent for the period of arrival and the previous period(s), if applicable, and held in the Main Office until the next period begins.

6) Work missed from an unexcused absence will be recorded as a zero and cannot be made up.

7) Disciplinary consequences will be issued in accordance with the District’s Student Code of Conduct for students who are excessively tardy to class and/or school. On-time is considered in the student’s assigned classroom and seat at or before the 7:05 a.m. tardy bell.

Offense Consequence

1st tardy to school- Tardy pass and verbal warning (notes will be added in FOCUS)

2nd tardy to school- Tardy pass and verbal warning (notes will be added in FOCUS)

3rd tardy to school- Parent Contact/Phone call home and documentation in FOCUS

4th tardy to school- Referral with After School Detention (1:45 pm-2:45 pm Tuesday or Thursday)

5th tardy to school- Referral with After School Detention (1:45 pm-2:45 pm Tuesday or Thursday)

6th tardy to school- Referral with All day time-out (ATS) in Center for Corrective Action

Additional tardies beyond six (6)-   Referral with All day time-out (ATS) in Center for Corrective Action

8) Students not in class by 7:05 am will report to the Courtyard, Student Services, or Main Office to obtain their tardy pass in order to be admitted to class.

9) Students assigned to OJT, Senior Exemption periods, or off-campus Dual Enrollment must leave the campus immediately following their last scheduled on-site class. They must show their off-campus pass to security when leaving campus. Students are only permitted to exit via the Main Office or Student Parking with authorization.

10)A School Messenger is sent daily at approximately 8:30 am based on first-period attendance.

11)Students who wish to participate in athletic events or extracurricular activities (Homecoming, Grad Bash, etc.) must be present at least half of the school day (7:05 am-10:20 am or 10:20 am - 1:35 pm) or half of their on-campus scheduled period).

12)Any student enrolled in a state-tested course should avoid participating in optional pre-approved (non-academic, non-athletic-related) field trips that occur during school hours or on scheduled days of these courses.

Students are expected to arrive at school with enough time to report to class prior to the 7:05am tardy bell. Upon arrival to school each morning, students will enter one of three (3) entry points:
  • Student parking lot
  • Bus ramp
  • Front Gate at Parent Drop-Off

Students arriving prior to 6:55am can receive a free breakfast in the cafeteria or wait in the Courtyard.All food and drinks must be consumed in the cafeteria seating areas only. At 6:55am bell, all students are expected to report to class. Loitering in hallways, stairwells, bathrooms, bus ramp, and all unauthorized areas is prohibited. Any student not in class by the 7:05am bell is considered tardy and will need to report to Student Services for a tardy pass.

Upon arrival, student drivers must immediately exit their vehicle and enter campus. Loitering in the parking lot, getting in vehicles with others, sitting in vehicles until the bell rings, etc. is prohibited. Students must bring all necessary items for the day, as the student parking lot is off-limits during the school day.

Food and beverages, other than clear water bottles, are unable to be consumed in classrooms, so students arriving late to school must plan accordingly.

Student drivers arriving after 7:05am must park in the front lot and enter through the Main Office.


North Fort Myers High School is a closed campus. Students are expected to remain on campus from the time they arrive until school is officially dismissed. Signing out for lunch is prohibited. If you must leave school early, in order to facilitate a quick and efficient sign-out process, please complete the North Fort Myers High School Electronic Sign-Out Google Form found at (link also available below). The form requires the student’s name, student ID number, date, reason for sign out, telephone number where a parent/guardian may be reached that morning to verify sign-out. Sign-outs after 1:00p.m. are prohibited per School Board Policy 4.16(e) (1). Students 18 years of age or older must follow the same sign out procedures. Parents and students are encouraged to schedule appointments after-school hours to avoid the disruption of instructional time for students.


Personal business is expected to be taken care of before school, after school, or class change. In the rare event a hallway pass is needed, students will complete an electronic pass Silent Pass on Castle prior to leaving the classroom. Students needing to see a School Counselor should submit a Counselor Request via Google Form located in grade level Google Classrooms. Students found outside of class without submitting an electronic pass Silent Pass will be escorted to the Student Services Office. Hall passes will not be issued during the last 20 minutes of the school day.


Students who have been scheduled as an office aide should consider that placement to be a privilege. Student Office Aides should only be in the hallways with the direction of the adult supervisor and wearing an official aide badge.

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