Our Families

Our Families

School Messenger Communicate

School Messenger Communicate is a program that enables us to send you important messages from the District and your child's school. Signing up allows the District and your child's school to send you emergency broadcasts, attendance alerts and event reminders.

To sign up for your free account, visit go.schoolmessenger.com. Once you have an account, you can set your communication preferences for calls and emails.



FOCUS Student Software

Progress monitoring is an extremely important part of a students educational career. Families are able to sign up for a Focus Parent Portal which allows them to view and monitor their student(s) grades and attendance. Signing up for a Parent Portal account can be completed by going to focus.leeschools.net

Students are also able to monitor their own progress through Focus by logging in with their School District of Lee County username and password. Students that have forgotten their username and/or password should contact their school's Technology Specialist (NFM.LeeSchools.net/Technology).


 PeachJar Flyers

PeachJar Community Flyers

A variety of education and youth-related information comes to the district with the request that it be distributed through the schools. We are committed to increasing engagement throughout the district by notifying students, families and staff of these opportunities.

As part of our efforts to be more environmentally friendly, embrace innovative technology and maintain fiscal responsibility, we have transitioned from paper to electronic flyer (eflyer) delivery using PeachJar.


our families

School Advisory Council (SAC)

The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a team of people representing various segments of the community: Parents, Students, Faculty, Business/Industry People and other interested Community Members. The purpose of SAC is to support the school improvement plan and review relevant data, identify problem areas, develop improvement strategies and monitor their implementation.



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