Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment Courses

Dual Enrollment and Early Admissions are programs that allow high school students to take Florida SouthWestern State College courses while also earning high school credit toward graduation.

Usually, this program is available during junior or senior year of high school. Admission requirements include a minimum grade point average and ACCUPLACER, P.E.R.T, ACT or SAT college entrance test scores to participate (NEW FSW DE Scores effective Fall 2023)Traditionally, North High has offered three or more FSW courses, taught by our own FSW-certified faculty, on our campus each semester, so our students don’t need to travel to the FSW campus to take advantage of this opportunity.

Here is the link to learn more about Dual Enrollment opportunities at Florida Southwestern State College: https://www.fsw.edu/dualenrollment

Additional options for students are available at Florida Gulf Coast University through the Accelerated Collegiate Experience (ACE) program, Cape Coral Technical College, or Fort Myers Technical College.

Here are links to the following programs to learn more about each program:

The dual enrollment and early admissions programs allow academically qualified high school students to take courses offered by Florida SouthWestern State College, Florida Gulf Coast University, or technical schools tuition-free. These programs also cover the cost of textbooks.

In addition to earning free college credits through dual enrollment courses, students may also earn college credits by passing Advanced Placement and AICE exams at North High, as well as earning a Cambridge AICE diploma.

Why Take Dual Enrollment Courses

In education, dual enrollment (DE) involves students being enrolled in two separate, academically related institutions. It may also refer to any individual who is participating in two related programs, but such a general form of usage is uncommon.

Students enrolled in secondary school (called high school in the United States) may be dual enrolled at a local institution of higher learning, such as a community college or university. These students may take classes at either institution for credit toward their high school diploma, as well as for college credit. Many state governments within the United States have recognized the benefit of dual enrollment and have consequently instructed their public universities to begin collaborating with local schools. Some private universities also participate.

Dual enrollment in both secondary school and college is advantageous to students because it allows them to get a head start on their college careers. In some cases, the student may even be able to attain an Associate of Arts or equivalent degree shortly before or after their high school graduation. Furthermore, it may ease the transition from high school to college.

In addition, dual enrollment is seen by parents as a money saving strategy that avoids skyrocketing tuition costs because courses are often paid for and taken through the local high school. State government officials also see dual enrollment as a net savings due to the lower value of funds spent earlier, as opposed to those spent later. Public school costs are also lower than they would be at postsecondary institutions.

Students and parents should be aware that when students begin dual enrollment courses in high school their collegiate GPA also begins. College courses taken at the high school will become a part of a student’s permanent college transcript. A grade of “F” earned in dual enrollment course may not be repeated prior to graduation. Students are also required to maintain a minimum college 2.0 GPA. If students fall below a 2.0, they will be placed on academic probation with FSW and it will impact future course selection. This can impact future college acceptance, financial aid, or Bright Futures eligibility if you fall below college 3.0 GPA.


Dual Enrollment Course (FSW - On Campus)

Course Name

  • DE Comp 1 ENC 1101 (Semester 1, Full English High School Credit)
  • DE Comp 2 ENC 1102 (Semester 2, Full English High School Credit, Must Complete Comp 1)
  • DE Biology 1 / Lab BSC 1010 and 1010L (Semester 1 or 2, Full Science Credit)

FSW Important Dates

Spring 2024:

  • Application Deadline:November 27, 2023
  • Registration Opens:October 26, 2023
  • First Day of Class: January 8, 2024
  • Check Google Classroom for handouts and additional deadlines

Summer 2024:

  • Application Deadline: March 12, 2024
  • Registration Opens: March 19, 2024
  • First Day of Class:
    • Full Term: May 13, 2024
    • Mini-A: May 13, 2024
    • Mini-B: June 25, 2024


FGCU 2024-2025 Application


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