FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

What are the hours for the office?
6:30am - 2:30pm

How do we sign someone out early?  Can we also email about an absent student?
Sign outs must be submitted by a parent/guardian via NFM.LeeSchools.net/SignOut. Absent student excuse notes can be emailed to [email protected] or submitted via the FOCUS Parent Portal.

I am looking for a copy of my High School Transcript.
Visit our School Counseling page via NFM.LeeSchools.net/Counseling, scroll down to the section titled "Request A Transcript" and select the corresponding option based on the year you graduated.

Can I speak with the Principal?
Yes.  First contact the assigned Teacher, Staff, and/or Assistant Principal with question/need.  If still needing assistance, students can see the Principal in the main courtyard daily before school, between classes and after school.  All others should please contact the Principal’s Secretary to schedule a time to talk or meet.

What is the date of Graduation?

The School Board usually approves graduation Dates and Locations in November of the year of graduation.  Once approved, school will post on web page.

How many graduation tickets does each graduate receive?
Number to be determined based on the number of graduating seniors in the class by about March of the year of graduation.

Can I call in a tardy for my child?
No, tardy excuses will only be accepted at the time of arrival.  If a student arrives within that last 20 minutes of a period, they will be marked absent for the period of arrival (and previous periods(s) if applicable).

Can I call in an Absence for my child?
No, however an email or fax is acceptable (within 7 days) for an absence. The only exception for an absence is a Doctor Note that has no time limit.

Who do I contact if my student is having a technology issue?                                                                                                                 Visit our technology page via NFM.LeeSchools.net/Technology for common troubleshooting steps and contact information to reach out to our Technology Specialist. Students can also speak with our Technology Specialist by visiting the Media Center before classes begin each day.

What is the schools webpage, phone number and fax number?
Webpage:                           https://nfm.leeschools.net/
Phone Number:                239-995-2117
Fax Number:                      239-995-1243 OR 239-656-0368

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