Tinker Cad Tutorial for Assessment:
Audition Assessment : Spatial Relations and 3D Thinking.
Students will have 10 minutes to complete the following Activity: 3D Vehicle/Car Design
Objective: Design a simple car chassis in Tinker Cad’s 3D Design workspace.
1. Build a basic car structure with defined dimensions (50mm X 50mm X 30mm) and choose strong materials for the vehicle and its wheels .
2. Add features: moving wheels and axles- the car must roll when exposed to gravity (in TinkerCad).
3. Build a concrete ramp with dimensions of 110mm X 108mm.
Evaluation Criteria:
•.The vehicle MUST roll when gravity is applied.
• Creativity, problem-solving, and adherence to given dimensions
• Understanding of spatial relations (alignment and connections).
Excellent (4)
Good (3)
Satisfactory (2)
Needs Improvement (1)
Vehicle rolls under gravity
Vehicle rolls smoothly under gravity without external assistance.
Vehicle rolls under gravity but with slight assistance or minor adjustments.
Vehicle rolls under gravity with noticeable assistance or adjustments.
Vehicle does not roll under gravity or requires significant assistance.
Creativity and Problem-Solving
Highly creative design with innovative problem-solving techniques demonstrated.
Creative design with effective problem-solving techniques demonstrated.
Basic creative elements and some problem-solving techniques are evident.
Limited creativity or problem-solving techniques demonstrated.
Adherence to Given Dimensions
All dimensions are perfectly adhered to as per the task instructions.
Most dimensions are adhered to with minor deviations (within 10% of the specified dimensions).
Dimensions are followed but with noticeable deviations (10%-20% off).
Dimensions are not followed (deviations exceed 20%).
Understanding of Spatial Relations (Alignment and Connections)
Excellent alignment and connections; demonstrates a strong understanding of spatial relations.
Good alignment and connections; demonstrates an adequate understanding of spatial relations.
Satisfactory alignment and connections; some understanding of spatial relations.
Poor alignment and connections; limited understanding of spatial relations.