Each student must present a digital portfolio showing 3 of their original and authentically created digital media pieces. To prepare for your audition, you will need to save your 3 portfolio pieces to a USB drive that you will need to bring with you to the audition that accurately demonstrates your abilities with a focus on video, graphic design, digital art, and or sports broadcasting skills. Please include your best 3 samples - the original file AND along with the rendered version. For example, if you are submitting a Photoshop file, you would include the Photoshop PSD file + a jpeg version. If a video sample is included, no more than 5 minutes per sample. Files must be brought to the audition to show on a USB/Thumb Drive that will be used to access your files at your audition.
Portfolio items may include, but are not limited to:
- A presentation in which the student played a production or talent role (camera, director, graphics, audio, reporter, writer, actor, etc.)
- A news segment from a school or arts related event
- Video editing demonstration (Video may not be of sports footage of the applicant)
- Logo Design
- Photo Manipulation
- PowerPoint/Google Slides/Prezi presentation where you can showcase your design talent (not just using templates)
- Photo editing projects
- Digital art pieces
Required File Formats, Digital files must be uploaded to the google form in a proper file format:
- Image files- PSD, JPEG or PNG
- Video files- MP4
- Animation- AVI, MP4, GIF
- Presentation Software- Google Slides, Powerpoint, etc.
If possible, name your files using this format:
- Lastname_Firstname-Sample1
- Lastname_Firstname-Sample2
- Lastname_Firstname-Sample3
Make sure to have your files properly stored on a USB Flash Drive to bring with you on the In-Person Audition as that is the only time that we see your work.
SUGGESTIONS (highly recommended):
Save and check that your 3 samples are properly saved on a USB Flash Drive to bring to the audition
- Make sure your pieces are your original work (ex. No AI generated artwork)
- We look for creativity and originality in the audition samples
- Students should anticipate & to be prepared to answer additional questions during the Audition interview
- Check your email often for important info regarding Audition schedules, and for access to the rubric that will be used in the audition to help you plan ahead.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I audition for a specific program or Digital Media as a whole?
Answer: Digital Media as a whole. Our 2 distinct areas of academic focus - Digital Design, & TV Production (TV Pro also includes Sports Broadcasting as an option) are all very much related in the entertainment and marketing industry. Students can take more than one class if they are interested in more than one area of focus.
What type of portfolio pieces do I submit?
Answer: Any sort of portfolio items listed on the first page. We want to see what knowledge you have with no official training. You do not have to have any training in any of these subject areas, just passion and interest. Websites for beginners are listed below and any app on a smart device can also be used.
What if I never took a computer class in middle school?
Answer: That’s quite alright. There are free websites online that you can use to create portfolio pieces depending on what you are interested in.
What is the first class I take as a freshman?
Answer: Once you are accepted into the Digital Media department, the classes you take depend on what program you are interested in and the level of talent you show at auditions.
If you are interested in…
Graphic Design
TV Production
Sports Broadcasting
Modeling and Simulation
You are able to take more than one elective per year if you are interested in more than one program and if your schedule allows it.
How do you judge each applicant?
Answer: Each portfolio piece is judged based on creativity and effort put forth. The panel of judges rate your portfolio pieces based on skills communicated and displayed. Each applicant is also judged on a standard rubric that will be given to students after the Art Application has been turned in by the due date.
What are you looking for in a Digital Media applicant?
Answer: We are looking for students who are interested in working on computers whether it be creative digital design work, game design, sculpting a 3D design or editing of videos. We want our students to exhibit passion, creativity, self -motivation, and the desire to learn more in their subject area of their choice.